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Privacy policy
Privacy Policy Administrator: Gabriel bruno
At Gabriel's Game, we are committed to ensure handling Personal Information safely. You will need to familiarize yourself and agree to the following terms to proceed with our recruitment application.
Purpose of Collection
Applicant’s Personal information collected during our recruitment process will be used solely for the purposes of providing them with screening results, confirmation of job offer, and necessary procedural information once applicant is admitted. Gabriel's Game will not be using your Personal Information beyond the scope of this purpose.
Disclosure to Third Parties
Collected Personal Information will not be provided or disclosed any third-party companies without your explicit approval.
Voluntary provision
While the disclosure of your personal information (name, postal address, contact information, academic background, career history, acquired certificates etc.) to us is voluntary, please understand that as we will consider you as candidate, we may not be able to evaluate appropriately, if you do not provide us with the necessary Personal Information.
Disclosure of Personal Information and Other Inquiries
Gabriel's Game accepts, within reasonable limits, requests for use notification, disclosure, amendment and deletion, permanent termination, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties of your own Personal Information. If you need to make such inquiry, please contact Privacy Policy Inquiry Desk below. However, please be informed that we will not respond to your inquiries to comment on reasoning of screening results.
If by any possibility you are not admitted to Gabriel's Game, we will appropriately dispose submitted application documents within a month after announcing results.
Privacy Policy Inquiry Desk